Academic Publications & Presentations

Below, you’ll find my work organized by publication type and presentation history. For questions on any specific publication, feel free to e-mail me and I'll respond as soon as possible!

Invited Talks

University of Washington Biology Teaching and Learning Community, speaker series.

Colorado State University, Science Education Research, guest speakers. 

Research Articles

Saha, S., McKenzie, V., Emery, N., Resasco, J., Taylor, S., Krishnan, S., & Corwin, L. (2024). Examining How Student Identities Interact with an Immersive Field Ecology Course and its Implications for Graduate School Education. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 23(4), ar44.  Article Link.

Krishnan, S., Gehrtz, J., Lemons, P. P., Dolan, E. L., Brickman, P., & Andrews, T. C. (2022). Guides to Advance Teaching Evaluation (GATEs): A resource for STEM departments planning robust and equitable evaluation practices. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(3). Article Link.

Atkinson, M. B., Krishnan, S., McNeil, L. A., Luft, J. A., & Pienta, N. J. (2020). Constructing explanations in an active learning preparatory chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(3), 626-634. Article Link.

Hodges, G. W., Flanagan, K., Lee, J., Cohen, A., Krishnan, S., & Ward, C. (2020). A quasi‐experimental study comparing learning gains associated with serious educational gameplay and hands‐on science in elementary classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(9), 1460-1489. Article Link.

Lujan, H. L., Krishnan, S., O'Sullivan, D. J., Hermiz, D. J., Janbaih, H., & DiCarlo, S. E. (2013). Student construction of anatomic models for learning complex, seldom seen structures. Advances in Physiology Education, 37(4), 440-441. Article Link.

Lujan, H. L., Krishnan, S., & DiCarlo, S. E. (2011). Cardiac spinal deafferentation reduces the susceptibility to sustained ventricular tachycardia in conscious rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 301(3), R775-R782. Article Link.

Peer-Reviewed Essays

Weatherton, M. Ko, M.E., Nichols, E.L., Krishnan, S., Faber, C. (2024). All In: Understanding and Motivating Stakeholders to Create an Equitable Culture of Student Success. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 23(4), es10. Article Link.

Blog Posts

Krishnan, S. & Smith, T. Spring 2023. “Navigating Networking at and Beyond NARST 2023.” NARST Graduate Newsletter. Article Link.

Krishnan, S. Fall 2022. “Reflections on Mentoring.” NARST Graduate Newsletter. Article Link.

Conference Presentations

NARST 2024 - Denver, CO

A qualitative investigation of undergraduate students’ perceptions of salient identities’ impact on failure. 

SABER 2024 - Minneapolis, MN

Investigations into undergraduate students’ experiences of scientific failure and the impact of identity on perceptions of failure

GRC Symposium 2023 - Lewiston, ME

A CURE for Failure: How students perceive the relationship between important identities and failure in course-based undergraduate research settings

Transforming Institutions 2023 - Minneapolis, MN

Leveraging a research network to empower institutional change in undergraduate stem education. (presented with Dax Ovid, PhD., and Meredith Henry, Ph.D.)

SABER 2021 - Virtual

Does your department evaluate your teaching well? Research-based guides to support STEM departments develop robust and equitable teaching evaluation practices

ESERA 2019 - Bologna, Italy

Productive Negativity Underlying Formative Assessment in Game-Based Learning of Science. 

NARST 2019 - Panel

Ways of Thinking Influencing the Teaching and Learning of Evolution. (Panelist)

NARST 2018, Atlanta, GA

Constructing Explanations to Aid in Conceptual Chemistry Learning in an Active Learning Environment. 

Contributions to Edited Book

In Charkoudian et al. (Eds), Inclusivity in Introductory STEM Courses: A Guide to Improving Student and Instructor Mindsets, published by the Research Corporation for Science Edvancement

Charkoudian, L. K., Henry, M. A., Krishnan, S., Shorter, S., Heemstra, J. M., Le, B., & Corwin, L. A. Teaching Students How to Navigate Setbacks in STEM Undergraduate Learning Contexts.